Start with the Best Risk Assessment Software

Get access to our easy-to-use supply chain risk software and handle due diligence assessments in accordance with the Transparency Act, OECD & ILO.

Worlds #1 tool to impact Social Risks in the Supply Chain?

Adapting the best tool for handling due diligence for human rights and decent working conditions in your supply chain has never been easier.

Identify, Reduce & Control Social RiskS With our System

Transparency Gate - Global Risk Index 2022


The system is easy to work with!

Make an Impact

Simply fill in your details in the form below and we`ll invite you.

    *An initial scoping call will take up to 5 minutes to get a better idea of your situation before we book the presentation.

    *Our main goal: Provide you with them means to make optimized impact on the supply chain whilst complying with the Transparency Act, OECD’s Guidelines, ILO’s Guidelines and other relevant international legislation.

    What can I do in Transparency Gate?

    It is important to get started with the demanding work of mapping due diligence across the value chain and business partners.

    Our system will help you to best;

    • anchor guidelines and responsibility in your organisation from the board room to the very end of your supply chain
    • perform digital due diligence assessments in adherance to OECD Guidelines
    • handle the mandatory due diligence report
    • handle cases as they come in (Information inquieries)
    • implement and followup on control measures
    • report, promote and improve human rights and decent working conditions.
    Get Started

    What is the Transparency Act?

    The Transparency Act is an important new law that requires transparency and publication of reports on companies’ work with human rights and working conditions.

    The Law of Transparency entered into force in Norway on 1th of July, 2021. The first mandatory due diligence report-deadline is set at 30th of June, 2023. You can read more about the Act here.

    Innovative Solution for Risk Control

    • Get valuable insights on risks in your supply chain with the help of our modern and easy-to-use compliance software.
    • Transparency Gate saves you loads of time and helps your efforts in improving the conditions for human rights and workers.

    Lars L. Johansen – CMO & Business Developer – Digitaliq AS

    OECD Members and logo 2022

    Best Tool for Due Diligence Assessments

    Transparency Gate’s modules consists of user-friendly tools that you can use for supply chain due diligence assessments. We collect information from credible sources and update your toolset frequently.

    All modules are built to support companies’ efforts in promoting the Transparency Act, the OECD Guidelines. With intuitive control over data relating to social risk you have the means to make an impact.

    Get Started Today

    Compliance in Transparency Gate

    Our Software can help your organization stay compliant with;

    • The Transparency Act
    • OECD Guidelines
    • ILO
    • The Consumer Authority’s Guidelines
    • GDPR
    • WCAG 2.1

    Make an Impact with Data-driven Social Risk Mapping

    Our system enable companies to make an actual impact on human rights, and working conditions throughout the entire supply chain. You can prioritize control measures based on data discovered in your digital due diligence assessments and provided through our risk interface.

    Our software is linked up with helpful tools that you can use to map risks in and around your supply chain. These tools are easy to use and can help you in reporting, prioritizing and implementing control measures.

    Digital Due Diligence Assesments

    We have developed a simple and optimized solution where you can do digital due diligence assessments, get a good overview of your supply chain, statistics and reporting options.

    Digital handling of Information Inquireis

    The Transparency Act protects the public’s right to have equal opportunity to aquire information about due diligence assessments in organisations.

    People that seek information from your company’s due diligence assessments should be able to do so, so our system let’s you open up safe encrypted communication channels, both for those who are anonymous, and those who register with credentials.

    International Legislation

    Transparency legislations have been enforced and the Transparency Act is all linked up to UN and OECDs convensions. Companies are now legally forced to openly adress how they are working to support and promote all of the above.

    Availability is Important

    Transparency Gate is available and readable on all devices through the internet and follows the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), so that as many of the public can use the software.

    You can learn more about the Transparency Act here.


    New portal for Transparency Assessments

    Transparency Gate is delivered by Digitaliq AS and the people behind the notification portal, Our customer base consists of forward-thinking organizations that want to be in the driver’s seat regarding due diligence, human rights and working conditions.

    Our new transparency portal has been set up in accordance with the Transparency Act, the Working Environment Act, GDPR, and has followed the Consumer Protection Authority and the OECD’s guidelines for transparency assessments.

    Is our Risk System the Best Alternative?

    Learn how you can work with Transparency Gate to do due diligence assessments digitally, and map risks with impact to human rights and working conditions.

    Our transparency portal has been set up in best practice and in accordance with the Transparency Act, the Working Environment Act, ILO, GDPR, the Consumer Protection Authority and the OECD’s guidelines.

    Transparencygate logo

    Transparency Act: Full Guide

    Get your copy of our complete Transparency Act Guide 2023.

    Download Full Guide here